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shirinIf you’re looking to get laid more frequently and consistently, you really have your work cut out for you. Let’s face it; there are all sorts of mobile dating apps, and adult dating websites. In fact, thanks to the internet, getting laid has never been easier in this point in human history.

I really can’t think of any past historical period where you only need to interact with a device and within a relatively short period of time, you can have sex with a total stranger. That’s how powerful the internet is. With the launch of the iPhone, anonymous sex has been taken to a much higher level and its reach has basically exploded throughout the world. Regardless of where you are on this planet, it’s very easy to get laid if you know what you’re doing.

Part of this process of knowing what you’re doing is to keep an adult friends list. Part of the reason why many guys who try their hand at all sorts of dating applications and mobile apps, as well as adult dating sites whether paid or free, fail to get laid is because they don’t keep such a list. They think that they can just do everything by the seat of their pants and they end up with nothing.

If you want to get laid more consistently, and if you want to increase your chances of getting laid by only the very best looking women, you need to keep an adult friend blackbook together. The reason why I recommend this is that people do network. If you establish a reputation for being a great lover, word will get around.

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